Love’s Journey: Barbie narrates how he made Bobi Wine suffer for a date with her

Bobi Wine and Barbie Kyagulanyi stand as an emblem of inspiration for many Ugandans, not just as individuals but also as a family unit cherished by relatives and friends alike.

Bobi Wine, acclaimed musician and political figure leading the National Unity Platform, finds his partner in Barbie Kyagulanyi, who manages the renowned One Love Beach in Busabala.


Their union, spanning over two decades, has borne fruit in the form of four children, portraying a picture of enduring love, affection, and mutual commitment. Yet, behind this image of a wonder couple lies a tale of perseverance and dedication to winning each other’s hearts.

In their earlier years, Bobi Wine, then a student at Makerere University pursuing Music, Dance, and Drama, navigated the challenges of financial scarcity, scraping by on the fringes of the university campus.

It was during this time that both Bobi and Barbie were actively involved in various dramatic productions overseen by educators like Dr. Kisensa and Prof. Patrick Mangeni at Makerere’s School of Liberal and Performing Arts.

As Bobi Wine set his sights on the devout and beautiful Barbie Itungo, who hailed from a staunch Christian background, their courtship journey commenced. While Bobi showcased his charm and charisma, Barbie, playing a game of cat and mouse, imposed her own challenges.

Barbie revealed that Bobi Wine once endured a six-hour church service just to earn a lunch date with her, highlighting the lengths to which he was willing to go to win her affections.

Reflecting on those early days, Barbie reminisced about Bobi Wine’s transformation, both physically and spiritually, attributing part of it to his exposure to church life. Bobi himself acknowledged the impact of his church experiences on his personal growth during a speech at Pastor Bugembe’s church.

Their story, marked by love, faith, and perseverance, serves as a testament to the enduring power of commitment and devotion in the face of challenges.

Through their journey, Bobi Wine and Barbie Kyagulanyi inspire others not only with their achievements but also with the strength of their bond.


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About the Author: admin