Buli omu mu diiniye asabile Dr. Bbosa (Sam Bagenda) adusidwa mu Dwariro nga embeela mbi nyo

Renowned for his stage presence and creativity, Sam Bagenda, known by his stage name Dr. Bbosa, encountered a health scare earlier this week, leading to his hospitalization.

Swift action was taken following his illness, as Sam Bagenda was promptly transported to the International Hospital Kampala (IHK) for medical attention.


He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where healthcare professionals closely monitored his condition.

Fortunately, his response to treatment was positive, resulting in his discharge from the hospital to continue his recuperation in the comfort of his home.

Regrettably, his illness forced him to miss recent performances of his play “Paradise” on Valentine’s Day at Theatre Labonita, causing concern among his devoted fan base.

However, his family and admirers breathed a collective sigh of relief upon hearing news of his improving health and the expectation of a full recovery in the weeks ahead.

Dr. Bbosa’s artistic brilliance and charm have captivated audiences throughout Uganda, earning him widespread admiration and respect.

As he progresses towards full health, his supporters shower him with well wishes, eagerly anticipating his return to the stage in the near future.


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About the Author: admin