‘I don’t know what I was thinking’ – Lwasa regrets breaking up with Desire

“Ooh… I regret splitting with Desire…I regret,” said Lwasa who was speaking to Spark TV. “… I don’t know what I was thinking… I started convincing her to go abroad. She was so innocent… She wasn’t promiscuous… Even when it looked like she was. She was calm and she was excellent at cooking…”

Nabatanzi influenced me to dump Desire. She used her platform on TV to talk ill of her. I should not have listened,” Lwasa said as he shook his head with regret.


Title: “Regrets and Reflections: Lwasa’s Candid Confession on Past Relationships”

In a candid interview with Spark TV, tycoon Lwasa opened up about his remorse over parting ways with Desire Luzinda, expressing deep regret for his actions. Reflecting on his past decisions, Lwasa revealed a sense of disbelief at his own actions, admitting, “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Lwasa spoke fondly of Luzinda, praising her innocence and culinary skills, highlighting her calm demeanor even in challenging situations. Despite appearances suggesting otherwise, he emphasized her virtue, lamenting the influence of his ex-girlfriend Dianah Nabatanzi, who he believes played a role in their breakup.

Attributing the split to Nabatanzi’s negative portrayal of Luzinda on television, Lwasa expressed regret for allowing external influences to sway his judgment, acknowledging that he should not have listened to such ill-fated advice.

The 54-year-old entrepreneur reminisced about his relationship with Luzinda, acknowledging her positive influence and behavior throughout their time together. Admitting the possibility of his own shortcomings in the relationship, Lwasa recognized Luzinda’s integrity and decency, describing her as “well-behaved.”

Their initial encounter occurred when Lwasa hired Luzinda to perform at his hotel, later extending an invitation for her to sing at his bar, Lwasa Gardens. Despite initial advances, Luzinda’s refusal to engage in intimate relations on their first encounter left a lasting impression on Lwasa, showcasing her strength of character.

Luzinda’s plans to relocate to the U.S. prompted discussions of accompanying her, though complications arose when the embassy required permission from Kaddu, Luzinda’s daughter’s father, for Lwasa to travel with Michelle, Luzinda’s daughter.

In hindsight, Lwasa expressed remorse for allowing external pressures to dictate the course of his relationship with Luzinda, recognizing her enduring qualities and the missed opportunity for a harmonious partnership. As he reflects on past relationships, Lwasa’s candid confession serves as a reminder of the complexities and regrets that often accompany matters of the heart.



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About the Author: admin