“Bobi Wine Oli mulimba, Selfish and weyagaliza weka” Abtex Bitterly Stings Bobi Wine

Amidst ongoing debates among Ugandans over the Bobi Wine-Mpuuga saga, events promoter Musinguzi Abbey, popularly known as Abtex, has launched a scathing attack on the President of the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Abtex’s frustration stems from Bobi Wine’s failure to perform at Enkuuka on December 31, 2023. As preparations for Enkuuka were underway, Bobi Wine took to social media to reveal that he had never received payment for his performance at the 2015 Namboole Stadium Ekyepukulu show.


Following this revelation, Abtex sought out Bobi Wine the next day at One Love Beach – Busabala. In a heated rant, Abtex accused Bobi Wine of dishonesty, selfishness, jealousy, and greed.

According to Abtex, he had reached an agreement with Bobi Wine for a performance at Enkuuka, only for the NUP leader to start avoiding him and not responding to calls. Abtex further alleges that Bobi Wine’s wife, Barbie, intervened to prevent Bobi Wine from performing, claiming jealousy on his part to prevent others from benefiting.

Additionally, Abtex criticized Bobi Wine for alleged greediness, stating that he fails to support his supporters financially. He also insinuated that if Mpuuga had shared funds with Bobi Wine, the latter would not have objected.

In a biting remark, Abtex questioned Bobi Wine’s leadership qualities, asserting that simply taking photos would not remove Museveni from power. He advised Bobi Wine against hasty social media posts, reminding him that he is not a blogger.

The escalating tensions between Abtex and Bobi Wine underscore the deep-seated divisions within Ugandan society, highlighting the complexities of navigating politics and personal grievances in the public sphere.


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About the Author: admin