KITALO!! Omuyizi webakelele yetuze lwa girlfriend we mukyaawa

The Makerere University community is reeling from the tragic loss of one of its own, Mboowa Nasser, a dedicated third-year student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in education.

On Monday morning, news spread of his untimely passing, leaving a profound sense of sorrow among his peers and faculty.


According to sources close to Nasser, the heartbreaking decision to end his own life was allegedly spurred by the anguish of a broken relationship.

It’s said that he was devastated after being separated from his girlfriend, someone with whom he had envisioned a future together.

As the news reverberated across campus, there was a palpable absence of an official statement from the university, leaving many to grapple with the shock and disbelief of this tragic turn of events.

In this time of mourning, the Makerere University community comes together to honor the memory of Mboowa Nasser.

May his soul find peace, and may his legacy serve as a reminder of the importance of supporting one another through life’s challenges.


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About the Author: admin