MURDER & THEFT: Husband Steals Wife’s Dead Body From Mulago Hospital After Brutally

Aisha Nandudu, a 32-year-old woman who died from injuries allegedly inflicted by her ex-husband, Abdu Baluku, has become the subject of a police investigation after her body was stolen from the mortuary.

According to initial reports, Nandudu suffered severe injuries at the hands of Baluku, a Kampala-based businessman, and was admitted to Mulago Hospital on Saturday. Despite medical efforts, she succumbed to her injuries.


However, investigators were shocked to discover that her body had been stolen from the hospital mortuary. Luke Owoyesigyire, the deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, said that Baluku, 36, arrived at the hospital after learning of his wife’s death and allegedly claimed the body for burial according to Muslim tradition.

Owoyesigyire confirmed that Baluku is in police custody as the prime suspect in the case.Bodies of assault victims are not discharged from Mulago mortuary without a postmortem and police clearance, which was not the case in Nandudu’s incident. Police are working to exhume the body to aid the probe.

The suspect’s actions and how he managed to move the body from the hospital are under investigation.According to a preliminary police report, Baluku attacked Nandudu on May 10, 2024, after receiving information that she was with another man.

He allegedly continued beating and kicking her until she became unconscious and was rushed to Mulago National Referral Hospital, where she died.

The police annual crime report indicates that 14,681 domestic violence cases were reported in 2023, with North Kyoga registering the most cases.

Recent incidents of domestic violence have led to tragic outcomes countrywide, with suspects taken into custody for alleged murders of their partners.

Last week, Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga said recent incidents of domestic violence have led to tragic outcomes countrywide as suspects are taken into custody for the alleged murders of their partners.

The victims, including Medrine Turyakira, Sagiya Ndagire and another only identified as Monica, fell victim to brutal acts of violence within their own homes.

According to Enanga, in the Rwizi region, Avon Twinomugisha surrendered himself to authorities at Ruborogota Police Station after allegedly hacking his wife, Medrine Turyakira, to death in Kabuyanda town council, Isingiro district.

Meanwhile, in the Kampala Metropolitan East region, Geoffrey Kyambadde is in custody for the alleged fatal beating of his partner, Sagiya Ndagire, at their residence in Seeta.

The couple reportedly engaged in a violent altercation after returning from a bar. Sagiya succumbed to her injuries the following day. According to the Police, Nandudu succumbed to her injuries, despite efforts of medical staff to save her.


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