Mpuuga Speaks Out on Corruption Allegations and Impeachment

Nyendo-Mukungwe MP Mathias Mpuuga has spoken out about the ongoing efforts to censure him and three other parliamentary commissioners on corruption charges.

In a statement on May 5, Mpuuga criticized the legislators advocating for the impeachment, accusing them of misleading their colleagues.


“Two of the petitioners are advocates. I don’t understand why they are leading their colleagues astray. As a politician, one of my strengths is decisiveness,” Mpuuga remarked during a morning talk show on a local TV station in Kampala.

The censure motion is being spearheaded by Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo against Mpuuga, Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira (Rubanda Woman MP), Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman MP), and Solomon Silwanyi (Bukooli Central MP). The four MPs face accusations of misappropriating sh1.7 billion as a service award from the parliamentary commission in May 2022.

Complications for Mpuuga have intensified following his suspension as deputy president of the National Unity Platform party in the central region for allegedly accepting sh500 million for his role as Leader of the Opposition before his term ended in December.

Ssekikubo has indicated to the media that they are considering making public the list of those who support the censure motion, emphasizing the need to gather the required signatures for the motion to proceed. According to parliamentary rules, once a signature is appended to a censure motion, it cannot be withdrawn.

For the motion to advance, it needs at least one-third of the 529 MPs, excluding the 28 ex-officio members, which amounts to 176 signatures. The motion would then be added to the Order Paper, which outlines the official schedule of Parliamentary business for the day.


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