WAKALABYE!! AKatambi ko muyimbi Gloria Bugie akobuseegu? Ono tamanyi Nampeera ne Pretty Nicole ne Winny Wa Mummy

Gloria Bugie, an emerging singer, is back in the spotlight, but not for the best reasons. Initially, she gained attention for her performance at the Comedy Store, which sparked mixed reactions. Many people were unimpressed with her on-stage performance and felt that it didn’t meet the expected standard of talent.

Adding to the controversy was her choice of attire. Critics claimed that her outfit was inappropriate for the stage, although Gloria defended her style, stating that it aligned with her artistic expression.

The singer maintains that her focus is solely on her music and that she is not trying to make headlines for anything else. Despite her efforts, it seems as though someone is attempting to overshadow her progress as an upcoming artist.

Recently, a video of Gloria was posted on social media, further fueling the controversy and leaving her in a difficult situation. The incident has put her under scrutiny once again, diverting attention from her music career.


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