The Rotary in partnership with ministry of Health have organised events around the country aimed at immunising children below the age of 5 against Poliomyelitis commonly known to as Polio.
The District governor of District 9213, John Magezi Ndamira at a press conference Tuesday morning said that Rotaract has so far invested US$2.1 billion in ending the disease since 1985, raising about US$50 MILLION annually to support polio eradication efforts.

“Without full funding and political commitment, this disease could return to polio free countries, putting children everywhere at risk”. Magezi said.
In 2019 Afrca was certified by the World Health Organisation as being wild poliovirus free meaning that 5 out of 6 WHO regions being wild polio free which represents 90 per cent of the World population.
Two of the three types of wild polio have been eradicated. In September 2015, Type 2 wild poliovirus was eradicated. Type 3 was officially eradicated on World Polio day 2019.