You’re a prostitute and now you’re preaching to us: Fan bitterly exposes Desire Luzinda’s secrets

Singer Desire Luzinda is currently in a bitter war with a fan who blasted and exposed her alleged secrets. The bitter war started when Desire Luzinda posted a photo of her alleged introduction with Levixone. A fan identified as Matovu Chacha quickly attacked her branding her a prostitute.

Matovu claimed that the USA based star singer is a prostitute and has aborted her pregnancies several times.

“You’re a prostitute and now you’re preaching to us… F*ck your black bleached ass! You’re a prostitute who is just disguising herself in music but the fact is you can’t sing!,” – Matovu claimed.

The claims didn’t treat Desire with smiles but rather turned her off. She fired back saying that atleast prostitution pays her bills and she doesn’t beg anyone.

“At least the prostitution pays my bills n I don’t come begging idiots like you so choke on it,” Luzinda.

Desire Luzinda has a beautiful daughter Michelle Kaddu and she is doing everything possible to see her succeed.


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About the Author: admin