Kiwedde Shebah Kalungi azaala mu October || She is Four Months Pregnant and now Taking a Break from Bookings

Sheebah Karungi, the celebrated Ugandan singer, is reportedly four months pregnant and plans to pause her bookings for September and October, according to a source close to Kasuku.

Speculation about Sheebah’s pregnancy first arose a few months ago when a video of her dancing with a noticeably bulged tummy circulated online. This video sparked widespread reactions from netizens, many of whom speculated that the former TNS singer was expecting a baby.


However, Sheebah was quick to dismiss these claims during an interview. She explained that her stomach appeared bloated in the video, and firmly told netizens to “get out of my ovaries.” She assured her fans that she would decide when to have a child and would share the news when the time came.

Despite her earlier denials, Kasuku now reports that Sheebah is indeed four months pregnant. This news aligns with the observation that Sheebah has been posting older photos on her social media accounts, possibly to maintain her privacy during this time.

“My source told me that Sheebah Karungi is pregnant and that she won’t be taking any bookings in September or October,” Kasuku revealed. “We await to see her new journey unfold.”


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