“I Am The Jose Chameleone Of My Generation Because I’m The Best Ugandan Artiste Right Now.” Attention-Seeking Khalifa Aganaga Claims.

Former Twinkle Star star act Khalifah Aganaga has come out to claim that his pedigree in the music industry is equivalent to that of musician and legend Jose Chameleone.

According to Aganaga, he is the Chameleone of his generation.

Chameleone and Aganaga

“I am the Jose Chameleone of this generation. By the time I came to fame, young artistes were not valued because only the big 3 musicians got the awards and endorsements,” he said.

According to local websites, Aganaga believes he broke the jinx, thus crowning himself as this generation’s Jose Chameleone.

Aganaga made these comments while justifying a music battle with A Pass, aiming to prove who is better than the other, suggesting that he is personally miles ahead and better.

“A Pass is a good musician like me but may not be better than me, if he wants to prove this then I ask him to a musical battle and the fans will decide,” he noted.

The Bad Character Records artiste believes he is more talented and creative than A pass when it comes to all aspects of doing music and showbiz.


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About the Author: kakande