“I Am Not An Angel I Also Get Angry That’s Why I Beat Up That Boda Boda Guy For Disrespecting Me, Yet I’m A Celeb And A Legend!” Unapologetic Jose Chameleone Defends Himself For Caning An Innocent Boda Boda Rider.

At a press conference held on Monday afternoon, singer Jose Chameleone accepted beating a boda boda rider but maintained that he was in wrong.

Just a few days ago, a video showing Chameleone whipping a boda boda rider made rounds on social media.

According to a statement released by his PR team, the singer beat up the cyclist in self-defense after he scratched his car and insulted him in November 2022.

While interacting with the media for the first time since the video went viral, Chameleone stated that he too makes mistakes as he is not perfect.

He, however, also mentioned that despite having many friends in the boda boda business, there are a few notorious cyclists that need to be changed.

“I am not an angel but there are bad people in every business. I am not angel, just like the boda boda guy is also not an angel. We need to change a few things in the boda boda industry,” the Baliwa singer stated.

He then applauded companies like SafeBoda that have ensured that the boda boda industry is streamlined to give better and safe services for the citizens.

Chameleone then called upon all boda boda riders to turn up for his concert slated for 10th February to enjoy together as he dedicates it to peace, love, and unity.


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About the Author: kakande