Jowy Landa Opens Up About Her Departure from Pallaso’s Management

After facing years of musical struggles, the talented singer Joan Namugerwa, known to her fans as Jowy Landa, is finally on the brink of becoming a household name in the music industry. Her path to success has been a winding one, marked by shifts between record labels and management teams.

However, her recent collaboration with Deejay Roja’s 7star music label, which later joined forces with Jeff Kiwa’s Team No Sleep, has propelled her career to new heights.

Jowy Landa has kept her reasons for parting ways with previous management teams close to her chest. Still, she recently shed light on her decision to stop working with singer Pallaso.

Her journey in the music industry began when she joined Pallaso’s Team Good Music, a music group that had a manager overseeing both Pallaso and Jowy Landa.

“Team Good Music had a boss, a certain Max, who later left the country,” Jowy Landa shared. With Max’s departure, Pallaso sought out a new manager, Karma Ivien, who took over the reins.

It was during this transition that Jowy Landa felt compelled to find her own manager. This pivotal moment marked a turning point in her career, as her song “African Girl” began to gain recognition and success.

Jowy Landa’s journey has seen her move between various record labels, including Sure Entertainment and De Texas, before ultimately finding a home with Deejay Roja’s 7 Star and, most recently, Team No Sleep.

Her perseverance and dedication to her craft have finally paid off, and she is now poised for a promising future in the music industry.


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