Zari Hassan Acquires Dimples After a Successful Plastic Surgery | The Latest Addition to Her Beauty Arsenal”

South African-based Ugandan socialite and successful businesswoman Zari Hassan, affectionately known as Zari the Bosslady, is positively glowing with delight after her latest cosmetic enhancement – dimples. Zari Hassan, a renowned figure in East Africa, is celebrated not only for her accomplishments but also for her remarkable beauty, which comes at a considerable cost.

Over the years, Zari Hassan has spared no expense in her pursuit of physical perfection, undergoing multiple plastic surgery procedures to enhance her appearance. The most recent addition to her list of enhancements is her cheek dimples, which she proudly unveiled earlier this week.


In a video exclusively obtained by this website, Zari Hassan shared that her dimple procedure came with a price tag of over USD 600. She openly encouraged anyone interested in acquiring this charming feature to consider doing the same.

Zari, a mother of five, went a step further and revealed that the expert responsible for her dimples is willing to fly to Uganda to perform the procedure if there are at least 30 people interested in getting their own dimples implanted.

Taking to her Instagram account, Zari proudly boasted about her newfound dimples and how they have allowed her to smile more freely, claiming she can now “teeth all day” thanks to this latest addition to her beauty arsenal.


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