“My Saudi Boss Locked Me In Freezer, Put It On, I Stayed There For 2 Days Without Food Or Water” Courageous Survivor Breaks Silence on Saudi Arabian Abuse

In a compelling narrative, Susan Njoki courageously recounts the harrowing abuse she endured while working in Saudi Arabia, shining a spotlight on the harsh realities faced by migrant workers.

Njoki, seeking an escape from mistreatment and abuse over delayed wages, found herself ensnared in a nightmare of cruelty orchestrated by her Saudi employer.


The ordeal began innocuously with a simple task—disposing of trash one evening. Determined to break free, Njoki took precautions, wearing extra clothing beneath her uniform.

However, her efforts were uncovered when her employer, equipped with a hidden camera in her room, exposed the plan.

Refusing to bring the discarded trash back inside, Njoki became the victim of a brutal assault. The situation escalated further when she was forcibly confined in a large freezer typically used for storing meat by the family.

Switched on by her employer, the freezer became a chamber of unbearable conditions. Stranded without sustenance, Njoki pleaded for release, offering to work without pay just to escape the freezing imprisonment.

Shockingly, her pleas for mercy went unanswered, even as the employer’s own children implored their mother to release Njoki from the icy captivity.

The employer’s chilling lack of empathy persisted, forcing Njoki to resort to a desperate measure—feigning mental instability—to secure her freedom.

This disturbing incident raises urgent questions about the treatment of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia and underscores the necessity for stringent measures to protect their rights.

Njoki’s story serves as a poignant reminder that exploitation and abuse have no place in a world that professes to value equality and human dignity. As this revelation reverberates, it is imperative to contemplate the broader issue of migrant worker rights on a global scale.


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About the Author: admin