KITALO! Abantu mukaaga bafiiriddewo n’abalala ne balumizibwa oluvannyuma lw’akabenje akagudde ku luguudo oluva e Rukiga okudda e Mbarara

Six people have died and dozens injured following an accident that involved two buses today morning at 4:00am at Muhanga trading center in Rukiga district along Rukiga- Mbarara highway.
It involved two buses one of Rwanda, reg no 798B Volcano RAD CO, and another Kenyan bus company Oxygen reg no KCU 054L
The cause of the accident according to Kigezi police PRO Elly Maate, has been attributed to too much Fog that the two drivers couldn’t easily see what was ahead of them hence a Head -on collision.


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About the Author: admin