“Anyone Thinking Of Managing An Artiste Should Have At Least Ugx300Million In Cash, If Not, Let Him Go And Try Farming!” Struggling NRM Diehard Catherine Kusasira Cries Foul.

According to musician turned political aide, Catherine Kusasira, anyone willing to manage artists without a minimum of shs300 million in their account is only headed for catastrophe.

Kusasira further adds that this money should be on the individual’s personal bank account. Kusasira emphasizes that having such cash is the true definition of a manager or promoter.

Catherine Kusasira

TheĀ “Enkola ya Taxi” hit singer emphasizes that a manager should be able to book a shs5 million venue with ease. Kusasira further breaks down the mathematics of what it takes to manage an artiste, financially, at least.

Kusasira reveals that buying a standard song costs a minimum of shs3 million. After the song has been bought, the least amount of studio time will cost is Shs1 million, she further reveals.

Kusasira further emphasizes that studio time is expensive because one ought to hire experts to mix the audio, record it, as well as master it. Kusasira notes that making videos is no walk in the park.

She notes that artists today are recording videos worth shs25 million and above. She notes that the lowest an artiste can stoop in regards to a video’s budget is shs5 million.

It is on this note that she advised promoters seeking to hire her at shs1million to abstain from the thought since such budgets are rubbish to her.

She also emphasized that the least amount of money an artiste in Uganda should be paid is, $10,000. Kusasira expressed these opinions while in conversation with Spark Television, as she discussed the rift in artistes’ worth, between promoters and artistes


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