“Nothing better than a woman making her own money” Juliana Kanyomizi

The ‘Nkyanoonya’ says being financially independent before getting into a relationship puts you in a better position. “Girls, don’t wait for a man who will give you everything,” she said. “If God does that for you, it’s a blessing… but there is nothing better than a woman making her own money.”

Another musician that agrees with Kanyomozi on financial independence is Angella Katatumba. “I have choices I don’t have to settle. A lot of girls have settled because they want security, you know to depend on someone because they want a man to take care of them. I’m lucky I don’t have those problems. Because I am independent. I was raised to be independent,” she said during a recent interview when she was asked why she is not yet married.

“When you are independent, you have choices. You pick and choose whom to be with. I can decide what I want. I’m not under pressure.” During the interview, Kanyomozi couldn’t put a finger on the exact cause of peoples’ failure to find suitable intimate partners for long-term relationships.

“I can’t say it’s the generation we are in… I don’t know,” she said when asked whether she’s increasingly hearing how it’s hard to find a partner through conversations with friends. “… it’s one thing to find a partner that likes you… but finding reciprocated love is quite hard.”

Kanyomozi believes love should not be chased, but people should “let it work itself out” because “if something is meant to be, it’ll find you.”

It should be noted that Juliana Kanyomozi will be holding her first concert in eight years on August 19.


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