I used to tip people with Sh1 million, but now I’m afraid to even tip someone with Sh50,000– Prof Gilbert Bukenya

We are all aware of the flashy and contentious lifestyle that the former vice president, Professor Gilbert Bukenya, has been living. However, the former vice president’s situation does not appear to be as glamorous as it once was.

Speaking during an interview on Urban TV this morning, Prof. Bukenya said that 2022 has been a very trying year for him as has been the case for many other Ugandans.

Bukenya, who claims that he receives about Shs8 million per month in government retirement benefits, claims that he has only survived this year because of God’s mercy.

“When you are given another year, it is a new chance that you have to be thankful for. Not everyone is given the same chance,” said Bukenya.

He added, “Before, I used to tip people with Sh1 million, but now, even tipping someone with Sh50,000 frightens me.” Bukenya plans to host a Thanksgiving service at his home on December 29 based on these justifications.


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