KITALO!! Abantu 10 nga ba Family emu bafiiridde mu kabenje akagudde e Kyoko Kinoni Town Council mu district y’e Lwengo.

Abantu abakunuukiriza mu 10 kigambibwa nti bafiiridde mu kabenje akagudde e Kyoko Kinoni Town Council mu district y’e Lwengo.
Emmotoka lukululana etomereganye n’emmotoka ya buyonjo Alphad, Kigambibwa nti ababadde mu Alphad babadde bagenda mu nnaku nkulu, Aba Red Cross bakola bwezizingirire okujja emirambo mu bipampagalu by’emmotola zino.

ENGLISH: Several people are feared dead in a road accident that occurred on Good Friday along Masaka-Kampala road, Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) spokesperson Irene Nakasiita said an

Alphard brand vehicle carrying several people was involved in a collision with a trailer at Kyooko, Kinoni Trading Centre, Lwengo district.

“The response (by URCS) is still ongoing,” said Nakasiita, Pictures from the scene show lifeless bodies of victims in a pool of blood at the accident scene.

Firefighters and rescue services rushed to the blood-soaked scene to extract victims of the accident who were fighting for their life.

A Red Cross official is seen using an axe to extract human flesh stuck in the mangled shell of the Alphard. Glass and metal were strewn all over the accident scene.

The number of crashes and crash fatalities on Ugandan roads remains unacceptably high, with an estimated 12,589 and 4,159 respectively as reported in the Annual Traffic and Crime Report by the Uganda Police Force (UPF) in 2021.


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