JIWUNYE!! DNA ya Seith Kigundu ekakasiza nti Bruno K ddala yamuzaala

Finally DNA results are back and the child Seth Kigundu belongs to the famous musician Bruno K, Bruno K was in the Media last month for ignoring and neglecting one of his children he sired with Vanessa.

The child is almost three years of age but it is said that Bruno K hasn’t provided anything for him,When he was asked he said he is not sure if the child is his and the only thing he wants is a DNA to prove that.

The DNA test was fine and it is confirmed thar Bruno K is the father, According to Kayz, the details about the DNA will be shared very soon as the details coke in from Vanessa.

“Finally DNA results are back and the child belongs to the famo musician bruno k,”

Apparently, Bruno had neglected the child and his mother for all those years. He had tried to start up a business for them but it crumbled down within a short period of time. Vanessa said the singer was asking for money from it weekly saying it is going to Briella.

“Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. Thank You for the journey and course You have set before me. I stand in the blessed assurance that I will finish well because what You begin. You finish; what You start, You complete. I have understood that it is not by power nor by might,” Bruno K tweeted.


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