I want to welcome everybody to our home who has come to enjoy our food – Solomon Kampala’s Terrible Welcome Speech To Muslim Visitors

Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, also known as Bobi Wine, and his guests were amused when his eldest son Solomon Kampala gave an amusingly poor speech at their house in Magere.

Bobi Wine organized a food feast and merry-making ceremony at his home for his Muslim friends. This was to celebrate with the Muslims who were celebrating Eid Mubarak yesterday.

As the host, he welcomed the visitors and asked his family members to do the same. Solomon was the first to speak and he welcomed the visitors.

The ghetto’s first son said that everyone was welcome to their home to eat ‘our food.’ This left people and his father bursting into laughter, The MC had to correct him that we had invited them and it would have looked bad if they hadn’t shown up.

Solomon, to correct his somewhat slip of tongue said that indeed the food belonged to these people and it was theirs to enjoy.

“I want to welcome everybody to our home who has come to enjoy our food (akamere kaffe.” “Indeed we cooked the food for you and it’s yours to enjoy,” added Solomon Kampala to correct his mistake.

Social media has now already jumped onto the video to air their opinions. Whereas some found it funny, others didn’t. Those who didn’t find it funny said that the teenage boy’s speech was a disgrace.

This is because, by his age, he should be knowing how to speak in public. Others said that this is not an issue to make noise about because the boy is still young.

Furthermore, some even went as far as saying that both the firstborn sons in the country are proving to have the same similarities when it comes to delivering public speeches.



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About the Author: admin