BAMBI MUNSONYIWE!!! “NABADE NYONYA CONTENT WA TIKTOK” | Tik Toker who bragged about being a member of ADF, pleads for forgiveness

Police in Lugazi have arrested a TikTok user who identified himself as a member of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a notorious terrorist organization.

The suspect, identified as 25-year-old Kalenzi Resto, posted a video on TikTok taking responsibility for the tragic attack on Lhubiriha Secondary School in Kasese District, which resulted in the loss of 43 lives.

In the video, Kalenzi made alarming threats of carrying out further violence at public gatherings, including concerts.

The video caused an uproar on social media, with Ugandans calling for the immediate arrest of Kalenzi, denouncing his reckless sharing of an insensitive video while families are still mourning the loss of their loved ones in the recent attack.

However, prior to his arrest, Kalenzi uploaded another video in which he claimed that his initial statement was merely a “joke” and expressed remorse for the consequences he faced following the viral clip.

“I deeply regret my foolish actions, as my intention was solely to gain attention and make my video go viral. I sincerely apologize for my thoughtlessness, as it has now landed me in serious trouble,” he stated.

According to a statement issued by Hellen Butoto, the regional police spokesperson for Ssezibwa, Resto, a shop attendant and resident of Namengo village in Lugazi Municipality, is currently in custody at Lugazi Central Police Station while investigations are underway.

Butoto’s statement emphasized, “The arrest was made in response to the circulation of a TikTok video, where Kalenzi Resto proudly admitted his involvement in the heinous murder of students at Lhubirira Secondary School. This video gained significant traction and sparked widespread attention across social media platforms.”

She further assured the public that Lugazi Police, in collaboration with relevant authorities, will diligently examine all evidence and gather additional information.

The police have urged the public to maintain vigilance and report any suspicious activities or provide information that could aid the ongoing investigation.


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