I’m not looking for anything in govt, I have my cows – Museveni

The ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party political strategy is informed by science and not guesswork, President Museveni has said.

“NRM politics is politics of science, not guesswork,” Mr. Museveni said as he addressed a political rally in Iceme Town Council while campaigning for Mr. Samuel Okello Engola, the NRM flag bearer in the forthcoming Oyam North by-election as the vote hunt comes to an end.

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni gestures near his herd of Acholi cattle at his farm in Kisozi settlement of Gomba district, in the Central Region of Uganda, January 16, 2022. REUTERS/Abubaker Lubowa

Related: The by-election is scheduled for July 6 after the seat fell vacant following the death of former Minister of State for Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations, Col (Rtd) Charles Okello Engola Macodwogo. The legislator was gunned down by his bodyguard, Pte Wilson Sabiiti on May 2, 2023.

In an attempt to sway the electorate to the NRM candidate’s side, Mr Museveni who has been in power since 1986 when he shot his way to State House through five-year guerrilla warfare said he’s not looking for anything from the government because he “ have got everything in my home. I have my cows and I’m not getting anything from the government. Even when we were fighting [former president] Idi Amin, we were not looking for anything personal.”

MISSED?  “From the beginning, we were telling you we are here for your good,” added the president who reportedly earns a monthly salary of Shs3.6 million but overseeing the new financial year.

According to him, the late Engola Macodwogo joined NRM because he was a clear-headed cadre and excited over the current prevailing peace in Oyam District.

“And that’s what Engola fought for. Once you getkuc(peace) then the next thing you need isotela(leaders). Now leaders are very crucial. If you don’t have leaders, where do you go?” he said, urging the people of Oyam North to choose the right leaders.

“You must elect a leader who can show you the way because if you don’t know you may end up in the east instead of going west. Therefore, when leaders come saying, ‘I want to lead’, I want to lead’, you must look at them [and ask yourself], ‘Does this one know the way, or will he take us to the forest?” remarked Mr Museveni, 78.

He urged the voters to elect Okello Engola so that he can work with the government to complete his late father’s unfinished business.

“When it comes to this unfortunate situation of getting a replacement, then you’re lucky to get one of the children who has been growing up near him (late Engola). For me, I would go for that boy because I would say in my head, logically, maybe this boy learnt from his father,” Mr Museveni added.


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