KITALO!! Omwana ow’emyaka 9 asobezeddwako, ate nattibwa mubukambwe e’ Nabweru

Police in Wakiso District in central Uganda are investigating circumstances under which a nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped, killed, and later her body dumped in a trench near her home in Nabweru North, Nansana Municipality. Police identified the victim as Angel Nangonzi.

According to Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson, an unknown man was allegedly seen on Sunday evening by residents of Nabweru interacting with Nangonzi’s mother, Ms Jane Nassozi before walking away with the child.

“The suspect identified himself as a charcoal supplier after knowing the deceased’s mother owns a charcoal kiosk. He later approached Nangonzi and asked her to follow him and pick up her mother’s ordered items,” he said.

The girl did not return home until the following day when neighbors stumbled on her body dumped in a trench.

Nangonzi’s aunt, Ms Tracy Nakibuye said they got information about her disappearance at around 8pm on Sunday.

“We right away reported a case of child theft at Nabweru police and started searching for her throughout the night and the following morning (Monday). Sadly, we discovered her body at around noon,” she said.

Another resident, Ms Aidah Nansubuga said her daughter survived after she fled from the suspected assailant who attempted to lure her into his trap.

“He was a tall, slim man. He’s never been seen around here before. Many people saw him that but they didn’t suspect him of having any ill motives and neither can they identify him,” she said.

Mr Isaac Keith Ssali, the Nabweru North I defense secretary said security needs to be beefed up in the slum areas, especially at night because it has become risky for the children.

Police visited the scene and took the body to the City Mortuary for post-mortem. Mr Onyango asked parents to be more vigilant and patient as police hunt for the killer.

“Be careful and monitor your children. Urge them not to welcome strangers. We have intensified the program of sensitizing our people to keep alert,” he noted.


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About the Author: admin