Pretty Nicole azeeyo mubwa Malaya mbu ye akooye ebyokusoma, byasoma tabitegeela

Famous Pretty Nicole is back to prostitution like she used to do. She has revealed the reasons why she escaped from school.

Pretty Nicole made rounds on social media last year as she was severely beaten up by her friends for stealing a boyfriend.

People were so linient with her as they called for her justice and the friends were arrested hence taking her back to school.

Two terms at school, Pretty Nicole has escaped and she has given her reasons for her escaping.

According to Pretty Nicole, teachers were disrespecting her and she couldn’t take it in. She just thought if escaping to make money again.

“I have dropped out of school because I wasn’t understanding what they were teaching in class! At the end of the day, we study to get money yet someone can call me, I make them happy for 200,000= if 6 people call me, that’s a lot of money” Nicole on TikTok live,” Pretty Nicole said

Here is the video;


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About the Author: admin