Oop!!! Martha Mukisa’s pants tore in the middle Exposing Her Bearded Meat as she tried dancing while going down

Black Magic Entertainment singer Martha Mukisa faced a major wardrobe malfunction when her pants ripped apart during her performance at David Lutalo’s “Nalongo” Concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval on Friday.

Martha Mukisa’s pants tore in the middle as she tried dancing while going down as she performed her “Busy” song to the loudly cheering crowd.

When her pants tore in the middle, a sneak into her private area was visible to the public but she didn’t mind as she continued with her stage performance until she was done.

The singer has since become a laughing on the internet as critics have embarked on trolling her for flashing her ‘Kitone’ to the concertgoers who turned out for the show.

This is not the first time such an incident has happened to a female artist as Karole Kasita and Racheal Namiiro among others have been victims of similar circumstances.


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