PLEASE ADVISE ME! My best friend is getting married to my husband the father of my 3 kids” – Lady cries

In a heart-wrenching revelation, a woman has shared her emotional turmoil on TikTok, disclosing that her best friend is set to marry her husband, the father of her three children.

The woman, identified as @katharine795, posted a video on her TikTok page, where she candidly revealed that her husband had left her to marry her closest friend.


According to her, she recently uncovered that her fiancé had already paid the dowry to her best friend’s parents, despite never having met her own parents.

She expressed her profound hurt, alleging that her husband was using the money she had earned during three years of work in Saudi Arabia for the wedding.

“My best friend is getting married to my husband this Saturday. It’s their wedding, but I am the mother of his three children. He has never even visited my parents.

He is enjoying my hard-earned money from three years in Saudi Arabia. One day, you will be held accountable for what you have done,” she tearfully disclosed.


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